Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Nick's European Tour -- Leg 10 -- Nice

Nick managed to get to Nice late last night and is trying now to get to Barcelona tomorrow. But there is a glitch ...

The train system in France is apparently the world's biggest cluster fuck ... Nick describes EuroRail in France this way:
Dunno if I'll be in Barcelona tomorrow. EuroRail are <expletive deleted> <expletive deleted><expletive deleted> <expletive deleted><expletive deleted> brains and don't have enough room reserved on the trains *and* their spots appear to be full. I gotta go back tomorrow morning and see if I can get one. Otherwise I'm gonna have to front mega cash to buy my own ticket.
So ... it is impossible to get around in France by EuroRail in the summer. After the nightmare day trying to escape Paris, he is now trying to escape Nice with the same problem.

Of course, it is the high season and it is southern France and it is right on the Mediterranean Sea ... so there are compensations if he must hang around a few days more.

But the problem is that his EuroRail month is up ... if he cannot catch a ride out of there very soon, he may have to skip Barcelona altogether and take the EuroStar to London from Nice and then the megabus to Leeds (a very inexpensive but long bus ride.)

I suppose there are worse ways to spend the last days of the trip than in the south of France on some of the best beaches around ...

On the bright side, he got tickets to the fifth day of the ashes test in Leeds on the weekend of the 22nd of August. Lucky guy ... the fifth day of a cricket match between Britain and Australia ... how cool is that ...

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